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Camping Cabins

Don't Start Your Own Glamping Site! Unless…

Before embarking on a tourism venture such as Glamping it's important to consider how you'd go about managing the enterprise.


In the TripAdvisor age an operator can't afford to mess up, just one dissatisfied customer can destroy a fledgling business. Spending a few moments reflecting on how you will resource your business will stand you in good stead.


- Do you have an existing administration function or office that could cope with bookings or would you rather outsource to a third party?

- Will you employ staff to prepare, clean and maintain your site or will you do it yourself?

- Will guests use shared washing facilities or will you include en-suite toilet and shower facilities?

- When will you be open for business, just summer weekends of every day of the year?


As with any business venture your success will depend on having the right resources in place. We've identified two essential areas of responsibility:

1. Business Office - finance, bookings, marketing

2. Operations - cleaning, maintenance, greeting and responding to visitors


Additionally you may choose to offer visitors on site activities, access to groceries and preferential rates at nearby attractions.


Personal considerations - delegate or do it yourself?

One of the beauties of self-catered tourism is that it requires minimal staffing, however the best operators are often recognised for their outstanding levels of service so give some thought to:


- The level of time you can give to visitors when on site

- Your need for privacy

- How you will ensure your own and your visitors security?

- How you will balance you private life with this venture?